Thank you to those who I have worked with and who are happy for their comments to be published.
Rachel's Work in Schools - Staff Comments

My initial impression was that Rachel was very well organised, turning up well in advance of the start time. This meant that she was able to set everything with time to spare. She used this time to reconnect with staff and get to know some of our kids – this meant that she was seen as ‘non threatening’ right from the start. Rachel’s ability to make kids feel comfortable while discussing sexuality education is excellent. Many kids commented that they feel nervous/anxious/worried before the sessions, but these fears evaporated as Rachel immediately put them at ease. Our kids love challenges and competitions, so these activities went down particularly well. The content covered was significant. Rachel packed a lot into the time she had. Good bang for buck! The work Rachel did around consent was excellent. Using the cell phone/laughing gas/general anaesthetic scenarios were perfect ways to explain this issue.
- Dianne Simpson, Halcombe School
Rachel was a wonderful facilitator. She is such a strong role model for our students and shared a lot of her own story which had huge impact on the students. Rachel is extremely well qualified and I could have spent HOURS talking with her. She is up to the minute with a thorough understanding of what’s going on for them. Her energy and enthusiasm were quite something, she gave the day her all. I truly appreciate all she did for our students!
- Deborah Lean, Year 9 Dean, St. Margaret’s College, Christchurch
The workshops were delivered very professionally and you had the ability to capture each group very well. The students were fully engaged throughout the workshop and all involved and interested which was a credit to your presentation.
- Wendy Carol, Dean of Middle School, Samuel Marsden Collegiate, Wellington
Your enthusiasm was fantastic; your energy enviable. Look forward to working with you again!
- Kiri Gill, Deputy Principal, Heretaunga College, Upper Hutt
Rachel – you are a fantastic presenter and had the girls eating out of your hands. The messages that you got across were very important ones.
- Kaye Johnson, Wellington Girls’ College
Rachel set a great scene and her enthusiasm was infectious. The girls loved her and she was real.
- Kate Casey, Guidance Counsellor, Pinehurst School, North Shore
Rachel's two-hour programme met our needs well and fitted in with the idea of ‘personal leadership’. The students were engaged and enjoyed the variety of topics that were presented. The session was very much led by Rachel but as it was relatively short and she is so engaging, the students all enjoyed the experience. In a very short space of time the programme covered a great range of topics and gave our students much to think about. A very worthwhile session in our programme.
- Jacqui Brown, Head of Senior School, Queen Margaret College, Wellington
Wonderful open and friendly manner, so positive with the students... they respond really well. Nga mihi nui, tena koe mo to mahi, ki te taha o nga tuakana. We look forward to working with you more in the future. The students and teachers have really enjoyed the sessions.
- Ani Rauhihi, Principal, Foxton School
The programme was very informative, straight up and dealt proficiently with the objectives laid out before each session. The conversations generated from this programme have been respectful and students have expressed a new level of respect for each other. Would thoroughly recommend to any other school.
- Tina McLean, Deputy Principal, Foxton Primary School
- Dianne Simpson, Halcombe School
Rachel was a wonderful facilitator. She is such a strong role model for our students and shared a lot of her own story which had huge impact on the students. Rachel is extremely well qualified and I could have spent HOURS talking with her. She is up to the minute with a thorough understanding of what’s going on for them. Her energy and enthusiasm were quite something, she gave the day her all. I truly appreciate all she did for our students!
- Deborah Lean, Year 9 Dean, St. Margaret’s College, Christchurch
The workshops were delivered very professionally and you had the ability to capture each group very well. The students were fully engaged throughout the workshop and all involved and interested which was a credit to your presentation.
- Wendy Carol, Dean of Middle School, Samuel Marsden Collegiate, Wellington
Your enthusiasm was fantastic; your energy enviable. Look forward to working with you again!
- Kiri Gill, Deputy Principal, Heretaunga College, Upper Hutt
Rachel – you are a fantastic presenter and had the girls eating out of your hands. The messages that you got across were very important ones.
- Kaye Johnson, Wellington Girls’ College
Rachel set a great scene and her enthusiasm was infectious. The girls loved her and she was real.
- Kate Casey, Guidance Counsellor, Pinehurst School, North Shore
Rachel's two-hour programme met our needs well and fitted in with the idea of ‘personal leadership’. The students were engaged and enjoyed the variety of topics that were presented. The session was very much led by Rachel but as it was relatively short and she is so engaging, the students all enjoyed the experience. In a very short space of time the programme covered a great range of topics and gave our students much to think about. A very worthwhile session in our programme.
- Jacqui Brown, Head of Senior School, Queen Margaret College, Wellington
Wonderful open and friendly manner, so positive with the students... they respond really well. Nga mihi nui, tena koe mo to mahi, ki te taha o nga tuakana. We look forward to working with you more in the future. The students and teachers have really enjoyed the sessions.
- Ani Rauhihi, Principal, Foxton School
The programme was very informative, straight up and dealt proficiently with the objectives laid out before each session. The conversations generated from this programme have been respectful and students have expressed a new level of respect for each other. Would thoroughly recommend to any other school.
- Tina McLean, Deputy Principal, Foxton Primary School
Rachel Hansen's Parent Seminars

Carol Craymer, Principal, Queen Margaret College, Wellington:
A great evening all round! Thank you for a vibrant, though-provoking but also amusing presentation. It was very well received by parents.
Kathryn, Parent's Centre Seminar attendee:
I came away from this seminar feeling I was armed with a whole lot more information on how to speak to our kids about all the more "tricky" topics, namely where did I come from, how did I get in Mum's tummy and kids general curiosity about their bodies, without feeling so embarrassed or awkward.
But what I found even more empowering was all the discussion on letting our "kids be kids" and not making them grow up to fast, the powers of advertising etc. Rachel was a fantastic speaker and really made you think about how important it is to keep open communication with your kids now, so it's no big deal for them to come and ask you questions in the future.
Di Simpson, Halcombe School Year 7 & 8 teacher:
"Thank you so much for sharing your presentation at the parent evening tonight. We love the way you discuss 'delicate' topics in such an open, fun and honest way. I know the kids will thoroughly enjoy their sessions next term too!"
Charlotte, mother of two preschoolers:
"I got a lot out of you seminar, but a particular point that has 'stuck' is: that no matter how embarrassing we may find discussing sexuality and related matters with our kids - if WE don't do it, then they are going to be solely getting the input from elsewhere. Do I really want the media and internet educating my kids and shaping their views on sexuality and body image? Thanks for making the decision to chat openly with my kids so much easier Rachel :)"
Mother of two preschoolers:
"Extremely relevant seminar. Essential for all parents who want to do their best in developing confident children with positive sexuality identity. My husband (& Dad of two daughters) commented that he now sees and understands the importance and naming the 'private parts' by the correct term, without feeling embarassed or awkward. Fantastic literature also shared for assisting learning about our body from child to adult and the changes that occur in a positive, real manner. Thank you Rachel for an informative, straight to the point seminar".
Mother of two girls:
"I attended your talk last night and just wanted to again say how much I enjoyed it. When I was thinking about attending I did think to myself that perhaps I shouldn't bother as my girls are only 7 and 2, and that I would surely have years to prepare before I needed to deal with any of those 'difficult' questions, but after last night I wish that I could have listened to your advise a couple of years earlier so I could have answered the ' how does the baby come out' question that my 5 year old asked when my lastest was born, instead of trying to brush it off. When I was growing up, we never had 'the talk' it was always avoided so my information came from friends and media (of which most was wrong). I so wish that my Mum had had enough confidence to talk to me about it, it may have saved me from making alot of the wrong choices which lead to alot of heartache. Its so important that our girls grow up with self respect and love for themselves, so they make the right choices rather than being pushed into things that they are not emotionally ready for. It's very unusual for me to feel the need to post a comment or feedback but I was so inspired by your talk, I think you are doing some fabulous work and I hope my girls will have the pleasure of meeting you in the future!"
A great evening all round! Thank you for a vibrant, though-provoking but also amusing presentation. It was very well received by parents.
Kathryn, Parent's Centre Seminar attendee:
I came away from this seminar feeling I was armed with a whole lot more information on how to speak to our kids about all the more "tricky" topics, namely where did I come from, how did I get in Mum's tummy and kids general curiosity about their bodies, without feeling so embarrassed or awkward.
But what I found even more empowering was all the discussion on letting our "kids be kids" and not making them grow up to fast, the powers of advertising etc. Rachel was a fantastic speaker and really made you think about how important it is to keep open communication with your kids now, so it's no big deal for them to come and ask you questions in the future.
Di Simpson, Halcombe School Year 7 & 8 teacher:
"Thank you so much for sharing your presentation at the parent evening tonight. We love the way you discuss 'delicate' topics in such an open, fun and honest way. I know the kids will thoroughly enjoy their sessions next term too!"
Charlotte, mother of two preschoolers:
"I got a lot out of you seminar, but a particular point that has 'stuck' is: that no matter how embarrassing we may find discussing sexuality and related matters with our kids - if WE don't do it, then they are going to be solely getting the input from elsewhere. Do I really want the media and internet educating my kids and shaping their views on sexuality and body image? Thanks for making the decision to chat openly with my kids so much easier Rachel :)"
Mother of two preschoolers:
"Extremely relevant seminar. Essential for all parents who want to do their best in developing confident children with positive sexuality identity. My husband (& Dad of two daughters) commented that he now sees and understands the importance and naming the 'private parts' by the correct term, without feeling embarassed or awkward. Fantastic literature also shared for assisting learning about our body from child to adult and the changes that occur in a positive, real manner. Thank you Rachel for an informative, straight to the point seminar".
Mother of two girls:
"I attended your talk last night and just wanted to again say how much I enjoyed it. When I was thinking about attending I did think to myself that perhaps I shouldn't bother as my girls are only 7 and 2, and that I would surely have years to prepare before I needed to deal with any of those 'difficult' questions, but after last night I wish that I could have listened to your advise a couple of years earlier so I could have answered the ' how does the baby come out' question that my 5 year old asked when my lastest was born, instead of trying to brush it off. When I was growing up, we never had 'the talk' it was always avoided so my information came from friends and media (of which most was wrong). I so wish that my Mum had had enough confidence to talk to me about it, it may have saved me from making alot of the wrong choices which lead to alot of heartache. Its so important that our girls grow up with self respect and love for themselves, so they make the right choices rather than being pushed into things that they are not emotionally ready for. It's very unusual for me to feel the need to post a comment or feedback but I was so inspired by your talk, I think you are doing some fabulous work and I hope my girls will have the pleasure of meeting you in the future!"
Rachel's Work in Schools - what the students say

I learnt all about my body and how it changes and how it was important to support each other. Year 7 student
My favourite part was when we learnt about what boys and girls go through with puberty, so now I understand and I am not scared any more. And I learnt to not rush in to anything that you don't want to do, it's OK to say no. Year 8 student
I learnt that it's OK to talk to someone and you shouldn't be frightened to find someone like Rachel to talk to. Year 8 student
I thought today was going to be a bit stupid and silly but I enjoyed learning everything today! You made it a very fun, funny and cool lesson. Altogether today was an awesome day and it didn’t turn out to be stupid. I would definitely do it again if I could. Thanks so much! Benji, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today would be very awkward and I thought that everyone would be afraid to ask questions – but they weren’t! I really enjoyed asking questions and finding out about how puberty is different for boys and girls. I learnt all about the amazing things that happen in puberty. It was really interesting to hear about puberty and our bodies. Braeden, Year 7/8 class
My favourite parts were when I laughed because I learnt a lot at the same time. I learnt that it’s natural to go through puberty and that I need to look out for others when they are going through puberty. I also learnt how a girl uses a tampon! Casey, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today was going to be really interesting, which it was, and I also thought that there was going to be a lot of embarrassing moments, but there weren’t, it was COOL! I really enjoyed learning lots of different info and having an expert answer all my questions that my Mum couldn’t, or was too embarrassed to talk about. Jerrica, Year 7/8 class
I really enjoyed learning about my body because there were some things that I needed to know. I learnt how a period works and that I need to support my friends. Thank you for coming today to teach me and I’m sure I will know just about more than my Mum does. Ana, Year 7/8 class
The best part of today was filling in my support circle, because I knew who to go to when I was in trouble or needing support. I also liked learning about how our bodies work and learning about puberty so now I know what to do when it happens to me. Trudi, Year 7/8 class
I thought today would be a bit awkward and weird but it was great. I learnt that our bodies are wonderful and that we don’t need to hide puberty, thank you. Anon, Year 7/8 class
I thought today would be awkward but it turned out great! My favourite part of the day was learning about periods because now I know what to expect! This was a great experience and I learnt a lot. Jessie, Year 7/8 class
I thought today would be really nerve-wracking because I am not used to listening to people talk about sexuality but it was really good learning about puberty and how our bodies work. Chontel, Year 7/8 class
I thought today would be very embarrassing and not the coolest topic to talk about but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I really liked learning all the new stuff I have never heard of. I enjoyed this a lot because Rachel was funny and easy to listen to and talk to. I learnt how to use pads and tampons and how much there is we need to talk about! Mere, Year 7/8 class
My favourite part was learning about ‘The Weird and Wonderful World of Puberty’. I learnt that it’s good to laugh and learn at the same time and that just because boys are boys, it does not mean that they are always mean. Tayla, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today would be very awkward and uncomfortable but I really enjoyed the day. I really liked how it was entertaining and was made funny because it made me comfortable talking about it. I learnt how normal things are, the real names for body parts, why periods happen and a lot about puberty. Thank you! Aaryn, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today would be embarrassing and that everybody would be shy. I learnt so much about our incredible bodies. I really enjoyed this session with Rachel. Thank you for everything you taught us, it was very cool and interesting. Mareana, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today would be scary and embarrassing but I really enjoyed it! I loved learning new things about puberty and our bodies – our bodies really are amazing! Thank you for coming today Rachel! Emily, Year 7/8 class
"I learnt all about my body and how it changes and how it was important to support each other" Year 7 Student
"My favourite part of sexuality education was when we learnt about what boys and girls go through with puberty, so now I understand and I am not scared any more. And I learnt to not rush in to anything that you don't want to do, it's OK to say no" Year 7
"I learnt that it's OK to talk to someone and you shouldn't be frightened to find someone like Rachel to talk to" Year 8 student
Rachel was amazing. She was inspiring and full of love but not cheesey and you could tell that the girls all really respected her. It was the best thing I have ever been to. Marika, Year 10
Rachel, you are a lovely teacher – you made us laugh and taught us about lots of different things that are important to us. You inspired me, thank you. Tearna, Year 10
I thought today would be long and repetitive but Rachel blew my expectations out of the water! I learnt that I am special. Thank you! Hugs! Yasmin, Year 11
My favourite part was when we learnt about what boys and girls go through with puberty, so now I understand and I am not scared any more. And I learnt to not rush in to anything that you don't want to do, it's OK to say no. Year 8 student
I learnt that it's OK to talk to someone and you shouldn't be frightened to find someone like Rachel to talk to. Year 8 student
I thought today was going to be a bit stupid and silly but I enjoyed learning everything today! You made it a very fun, funny and cool lesson. Altogether today was an awesome day and it didn’t turn out to be stupid. I would definitely do it again if I could. Thanks so much! Benji, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today would be very awkward and I thought that everyone would be afraid to ask questions – but they weren’t! I really enjoyed asking questions and finding out about how puberty is different for boys and girls. I learnt all about the amazing things that happen in puberty. It was really interesting to hear about puberty and our bodies. Braeden, Year 7/8 class
My favourite parts were when I laughed because I learnt a lot at the same time. I learnt that it’s natural to go through puberty and that I need to look out for others when they are going through puberty. I also learnt how a girl uses a tampon! Casey, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today was going to be really interesting, which it was, and I also thought that there was going to be a lot of embarrassing moments, but there weren’t, it was COOL! I really enjoyed learning lots of different info and having an expert answer all my questions that my Mum couldn’t, or was too embarrassed to talk about. Jerrica, Year 7/8 class
I really enjoyed learning about my body because there were some things that I needed to know. I learnt how a period works and that I need to support my friends. Thank you for coming today to teach me and I’m sure I will know just about more than my Mum does. Ana, Year 7/8 class
The best part of today was filling in my support circle, because I knew who to go to when I was in trouble or needing support. I also liked learning about how our bodies work and learning about puberty so now I know what to do when it happens to me. Trudi, Year 7/8 class
I thought today would be a bit awkward and weird but it was great. I learnt that our bodies are wonderful and that we don’t need to hide puberty, thank you. Anon, Year 7/8 class
I thought today would be awkward but it turned out great! My favourite part of the day was learning about periods because now I know what to expect! This was a great experience and I learnt a lot. Jessie, Year 7/8 class
I thought today would be really nerve-wracking because I am not used to listening to people talk about sexuality but it was really good learning about puberty and how our bodies work. Chontel, Year 7/8 class
I thought today would be very embarrassing and not the coolest topic to talk about but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I really liked learning all the new stuff I have never heard of. I enjoyed this a lot because Rachel was funny and easy to listen to and talk to. I learnt how to use pads and tampons and how much there is we need to talk about! Mere, Year 7/8 class
My favourite part was learning about ‘The Weird and Wonderful World of Puberty’. I learnt that it’s good to laugh and learn at the same time and that just because boys are boys, it does not mean that they are always mean. Tayla, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today would be very awkward and uncomfortable but I really enjoyed the day. I really liked how it was entertaining and was made funny because it made me comfortable talking about it. I learnt how normal things are, the real names for body parts, why periods happen and a lot about puberty. Thank you! Aaryn, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today would be embarrassing and that everybody would be shy. I learnt so much about our incredible bodies. I really enjoyed this session with Rachel. Thank you for everything you taught us, it was very cool and interesting. Mareana, Year 7/8 class
I thought that today would be scary and embarrassing but I really enjoyed it! I loved learning new things about puberty and our bodies – our bodies really are amazing! Thank you for coming today Rachel! Emily, Year 7/8 class
"I learnt all about my body and how it changes and how it was important to support each other" Year 7 Student
"My favourite part of sexuality education was when we learnt about what boys and girls go through with puberty, so now I understand and I am not scared any more. And I learnt to not rush in to anything that you don't want to do, it's OK to say no" Year 7
"I learnt that it's OK to talk to someone and you shouldn't be frightened to find someone like Rachel to talk to" Year 8 student
Rachel was amazing. She was inspiring and full of love but not cheesey and you could tell that the girls all really respected her. It was the best thing I have ever been to. Marika, Year 10
Rachel, you are a lovely teacher – you made us laugh and taught us about lots of different things that are important to us. You inspired me, thank you. Tearna, Year 10
I thought today would be long and repetitive but Rachel blew my expectations out of the water! I learnt that I am special. Thank you! Hugs! Yasmin, Year 11
Rachel's Youth Mentoring
Mother of a 19 year old Rachel mentored:
"I knew my daughter was not in a happy place and didn’t know what to do or say or where to turn. That’s when the answers to my prayers came true. I met Rachel and I instantly liked her and thought my daughter would too. We gently went to our first meeting, I was there for 10 minutes and then Rachel asked my daughter if she wanted me to stay or go, guess what, I was allowed to leave - wow. This was a big step for my daughter. She had seen a couple of other people over a couple of years and she really didn’t want to ‘do this again’. But Rachel was a hit in the first minute. When Rachel said we can meet her first to “see if you like me” and subsequent meetings could be where ever my daughter felt comfortable – it could be in the park, at our house or at her place. Wow, that was the first great impression and I could see the negative cloud lift a little. The second positive shift was when Rachel said “I could be your mentor” (not counsellor), that changed everything. So much so, that “my mentor” is spoken about to all our family and friends, it has turned out to be something my daughter is proud to talk about. You could have pushed me off my chair with a feather!
To cut a long story short, my gorgeous daughter has just flourished, she went from being so confused about where she wanted to be, what career she should be doing, where she should be living and being so self conscious, negative and having very little self esteem to a wonderful, confident, a tad assertive, happy and positive person.
I liken it to watching a wilted flower of great beauty that had not been able to see much sunlight; it hadn’t watered itself and wouldn’t let anyone else water it. Now my beautiful rose is strong and confident growing some thorns so she can’t be hurt if she doesn’t want to be. Rachel helped my rose water herself and allows others to water her too. The skills she has learnt and loved passing on is priceless. Thank you Rachel, I thoroughly recommend you to anyone, you have a marvellous way with the young to the old, you are so natural, caring and so easy to talk to."
"I knew my daughter was not in a happy place and didn’t know what to do or say or where to turn. That’s when the answers to my prayers came true. I met Rachel and I instantly liked her and thought my daughter would too. We gently went to our first meeting, I was there for 10 minutes and then Rachel asked my daughter if she wanted me to stay or go, guess what, I was allowed to leave - wow. This was a big step for my daughter. She had seen a couple of other people over a couple of years and she really didn’t want to ‘do this again’. But Rachel was a hit in the first minute. When Rachel said we can meet her first to “see if you like me” and subsequent meetings could be where ever my daughter felt comfortable – it could be in the park, at our house or at her place. Wow, that was the first great impression and I could see the negative cloud lift a little. The second positive shift was when Rachel said “I could be your mentor” (not counsellor), that changed everything. So much so, that “my mentor” is spoken about to all our family and friends, it has turned out to be something my daughter is proud to talk about. You could have pushed me off my chair with a feather!
To cut a long story short, my gorgeous daughter has just flourished, she went from being so confused about where she wanted to be, what career she should be doing, where she should be living and being so self conscious, negative and having very little self esteem to a wonderful, confident, a tad assertive, happy and positive person.
I liken it to watching a wilted flower of great beauty that had not been able to see much sunlight; it hadn’t watered itself and wouldn’t let anyone else water it. Now my beautiful rose is strong and confident growing some thorns so she can’t be hurt if she doesn’t want to be. Rachel helped my rose water herself and allows others to water her too. The skills she has learnt and loved passing on is priceless. Thank you Rachel, I thoroughly recommend you to anyone, you have a marvellous way with the young to the old, you are so natural, caring and so easy to talk to."